A Parable, Or A Prodigal Son?
Series: Perspective Of Madness.
Plagued with an idea, fueled and driven only by the thoughts of what if…
In my most recent Art piece, you can see the long journey ahead at that which was traveled. Iconic Wynwood Walls becomes my stepping stool in this work of art. As this colossal being steps into Wynwood Walls you have a clear sight of the original walls that remains and others are redesigned as a tribute to Miami’s Up and Coming Brands and Community Leaders. The Center wall holds a childhood memory of me and my brothers accompanied by my first character/ logo design ever created for my brand. In order to give a more intimate and personal feel to this piece I also added my high school book bag which I carried up until 6/2021. Packed with an Avocado tree, an Emerald clock tower, and a chessboard connected to a blank journal. The Journal is blank to give off the feel of a new journey ahead.
From a tear in the bottom of the book bag, my 1:43 Design is brought into perspective symbolizing The Exclusive 1:43 release For Mawlo’s Homecoming Art Exhibition.
The head of this giant is a shining light bulb. As the rays beam down onto wynwood i hoped to convey the message of new ideas or artistry being in a high demand.
In the other hand of this figure there is a Queen Chess piece disguised as a staff. The Queen is the strongest piece on the board, giving life to the sidewalk, a row from a chessboard. As helicopters surround and reports the news, notice the 7 on the Helicopter towards the middle left of canvas is flipped backwards. A representation of how the news in general flips and rewrites the narrative. There is a lot of hidden clues embedded within this canvas.
This piece was solely created to give a visual perspective of my journey home. It took every style and technique I’ve learned over the course 5 years away from the comfort/ distractions of friends and family in order to be able to complete this piece in a month and a half
In the pursuit to acquire a DREAM!